Strings theory
strings Theory: an orchestrated existence?
How do we explain the influence of God in our lives? This question perplexed me as I had a conversation with a good friend of mine (who happens to be a self proclaimed atheist). I found that I had quite a difficult time explaining that when God acts in our lives, his mighty gloved hand doesn't manifest from the sky to move people and objects around, as if playing chess with existence. Rather, as my argument went, He uses cunning causative measures in which to influence, guide, and assist the people whom He loves; whom He created.
So, weeks later after more great discussions and pondering, I had somewhat of an epiphany. I realized that an analogy might paint this picture best. The analogy is this:
In a dark concert hall, we all gather to hear this symphony of notes and tones which influence us all. Some of us choose to listen to this music, to let it wash over us, to succumb to its influence. While others choose to focus on themselves. Those who 'buy in' hear a note played from a plucked string and appreciate the musician playing said note. While the others claim the music is a random generation that is merely a product of the concert hall- the environment. None can see any instruments, nor musicians with their own lives, so by default it requires faith to believe that those exist and are causing this music. You can believe that it 'just is', (or that there is no music at all in some cases) or conversely, you can believe that there is a grand composer, instructing this symphony which is affecting us all.
Now I know that this breaks down in places, but the foundational elements of causation from a higher power persist. Furthermore, the foundational element of selective faith is on display here. A choice must be made. Either there are orchestrated notes being played for our benefit, or there are randomly generated noises which we are mistaking for music.
So I suppose the question I would pose is this: would you rather live in a world with orchestrated music, or with random noise?